Andreas Häggström's blog

Here be bugs: First post


Welcome to the first step in my "career" as a blogger. This first post will be about why I chose this platform for blogging and why I chose the name Here be bugs for my blog. I absolutely expect no one to read this, but if you are here, hello and don't hesitate to get in touch!

Who am I?

My name is Andreas, I am a Swede working within Data and Software Engineering. I enjoy reading history, philosophy and novels (a lot of sci-fi, living up to the stereotypes, I know). Besides that, I also like to do Crossfit/Olympic weightlifting on my spare time, so expect some post about that in the future.

Why this blogging platform?

There's a high chance (pretty much 100%) you are reading this blog post on Bear blog. The main reasons for why I've chosen to make this my blogging platform starts a couple of year ago when I read a great blog post by Tonsky. In this post, Tonsky talks about how the world of software simply is totally OK with the fact that we bloat pretty much everything. Bear blog is a free blog hosting service with no JS, no tracking and no style sheets with unnecessary "fancy" animations. All posts are created with markdown directly in the browser, which I instantly fell for.

Why the name?

HIC SUNT LEONES, literally translating to "here be lions" was a common phrase on medieval maps for denoting unknown territories source (wikipedia, I know). I chose a variant of this name more denoted towards the world of software development. With the cheesy thought that "exploring the unknown in software will lead to bugs". I know, the name sucks. But I like it so it's here to stay.

What can you expect from this blog?

Absolutely nothing is the short answer.

On a more detailed regard, I will probably write about data, software development, Weightlifting and other topics I don't know yet.

See ya ✋